
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Picking Paint

There’s a secret you should know about me. I don’t pick out paint colors. I have a general idea of the color I want – some shade of pink, a shade of blue. But really, I buy paint for the name. I could spend hours walking through the paint section at Lowe’s, pulling out the color card just to find the perfect name. Today, I picked out Valspar’s Birch White, Sky Blue, Spring Linen, and Katydid. I especially love the name Katydid. I have furniture piled high in the garage just begging to be painted these colors.

Birch White in White Barn Basic's Bathroom

Designing Domesticity's Footstool in Sky Blue
Spring Linen on Wall
Similar to Katydid on Meadowbrook Farm's China Cabinet
 What's your favorite paint color name?

1 comment:

  1. I never even pay attention to the names! Someone asked me once, and I had to look it up, what the name of the paint was in our bedroom. I told her it's called "Good Times" and she thought that was so funny! I was embarrassed.


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