
Sunday, September 9, 2012

More Saturday Junkin' and Going Crazy

So, I've been a MIA this past week thanks to a mixture of dogs and headaches. I haven't crafted or painted, but I did get back in to the grind of things on Saturday with some early shopping! Up at 6am to hit some yard sales - here's what I found!

I drove 20 minutes to a yard sale to grab a table before someone else bought it. I walked down, found it at a price I was comfortable with and claimed it immediately. Well, I got home and looked at the ad again. I didn't buy the right table. This table is funky and hodgepodgy. First, the leaves of the table have nothing to hold them up, so no lifting there. Second, it looks like someone kind of through some legs together and never finished. Each side has 3 legs. I thought about ripping the middlish leg off, since it doesn't have a symmetric partner, but then there would be a big gap in the railing that connects the two outside legs. So what do you think, do you like the asymmetrical nature of these legs? I'm thinking the legs will be white with a wood top.

**Update: So, I still have a lot to learn! Apparently this is called a gate leg drop leaf table. That "middlish leg" will pull out and hold up the table leaves. Awesome!! So, this find isn't so weird and broken. Now I'm excited to paint it!

It wasn't really a successful yard sale trip, where I come home with tons of junk to shove in the garage like I'm a hoarder.  But, I did get this cool rusted out bucket and some tools.

See those Allen wrenches there on the left? That is such a coincidental find, because on Friday we realized we needed one. We found two in our toolbox, but unfortunately they weren't the right size. I grabbed this set for $5. Yard sales are a great place to find tools, or unused paintbrushes, or almost whole rolls of purple painters tape and cheese cloth.

I also grabbed this cute little dresser. And here is where the crazy part comes in.

You see, I paid for this dresser - and it has no top. CRAZY, RIGHT?

The previous owners used this ugly chipboard faux granite top. It was too big and, come on, it's ugly. 

The only reason I bought this dresser was because it didn't have a top. I've seen a lot of projects lately of people ripping off tops and creating a farm table effect with wood pieces. So, my plan was to go to Lowe's and by some boards. Lucky for me, some lady disabled her garden planters and put these out for free! Just need to be cut and stained (and beat up pretty good to look old)!

Did anyone else find some awesome junk on Saturday?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for stopping in at Quirky Vistas and leaving me a comment. I'm enjoying your posts. I too have a piece of furniture I may consider redoing the top of. I have tons of scrap wood from junking excursions. I'd love to see how yours turns out!


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